Wednesday, September 23, 2009

It is finished!

26.2 miles completed in 4 hours, 12 minutes and 27 seconds

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Foul ball fiasco

I have always thought that it would be cool to catch a ball at a major league baseball game. And I think it would be extra cool if I had kids and could share the moment with them. With my luck, it would probably end up like this:

Thursday, September 03, 2009

August books

Who Moved My Cheese?
Spencer Johnson, M.D.

This follows the formula of similar business motivational books like "Gung Ho," in that it explains a business model (in this instance, it was "dealing with change") by telling a narrative story. The books does give some good ideas on not remaining stagnant, anticipating change, etc., but nothing earth-shattering.

Julie M. Smith, PhD.

This book taught lessons on how to become change-resilient. Basically, it follows a very similar pattern to "Who Moved My Cheese?", but was twice as long and half as entertaining. The narrative is extremely contrived and the included puzzle and cards are fo
rmulaic and uninventive.

The Arbinger Institute

Finally! A business/self-help book written with a compelling narrative, instead of condescending childish story (i.e. "It" Happens, Who Moved My Cheese?).

This book really opened my eyes and I related personally to it with numerous facets of my life. The basic premise of focusing outward instead of inward is simple enough. But the understanding and realization of what it takes to get "out of the box" could take a lifetime to master. And he implications, behaviors, and outcomes that can result are essential to personal, interpersonal, and organizational success.

Glenn Beck

I was actually enjoying the book okay until the end and then it just all fell apart. I don't want to give anything away, but the ending of the book basically undermines everything that the book had been preaching up to that point. And it makes the whole book extremely unbelievable.

Stephen C. Lundin, Harry Paul, & John Christensen

This book describes how to add energy and morale to the workplace: choose your attitude, play, make the customer's day, and be present. It is based on the world-famous Pike Place fish market. It was a quick and entertaining read, with some good counsel and advice.

V.J. Smith

This book is basically a treatise on customer service. It's about an old man who ran a cash register at Walmart. He would always ask how his customers were doing, listen to their stories, shake their hands, and thank them for coming in. This personal touch made him almost a local celebrity. People would wait four deep in his line at times, even when there were other registers open. The book was somewhat interesting and inspirational, even if it was talking about an employee for the dreaded Walmart.