- Get our city utilities switched over
- Fix a closet door
- Purchase a reel lawn mower
- Mow our back and front lawns with previously mentioned reel mower
- Consider returning previously mentioned reel mower (we'll give it one more shot now that our grass isn't out of control)
- Purchase a shovel, hose and sprinkler
- Plant numerous perennials that made the journey from Idaho/Utah and water them in hopes of bringing them back to full life
- Install a programmable thermostat
- Get my Purdue ID
- Figure out the City Bus routes and take the bus to and from Purdue
- Lose my cell phone on the bus
- Retrieve my phone that was thankfully turned in to City Bus
- Get garbage and recycling set up
You'll notice that a couple of things not on this list are "unpacking" and "unboxing." Our good friends at ABF/UPack were estimated to arrive today, but apparently are "running behind," which means that a vast majority of our stuff will not arrive until Monday, which is also when I start school. Thankfully, a member of the local church congregation has already come to our rescue in providing an air mattress for us until our bed gets here.
Life in Lafayette has been good to us so far.
P.S. Another item that has yet to happen is getting home internet service set up. So until that happens, blogging and other internet activities will be rare to non-existent.