Wednesday, October 04, 2006

No more canning, please!

We're finally done (hopefully) with our first year of canning. It included salsa, tomatoes, chili sauce, apricot jam, apple sauce, and apple pie filling. The final steps came with canning the apple sauce last night, which Deidra did almost single-handedly since I was under time constraints to finish an accounting assigment. I did help with sealing the jars and cleaning up after it was all done, but I am grateful that Deidra took the initiative to get it all done tonight. I don't mind canning, but I think I have had my fill of it for this year. Hopefully, as we use the contents of our canning throughout the year, it will help me get psyched up to do more canning next year. Because right now, I don't want to see another water bath or or Ball jar for a long time to come.


Deidra said...

You make a great canning partner. I hope you know how much I appreciated your help. I'll be needing it for years to come, at least until we have kids who are old enough to be canning slaves!

Thanks again! I love you! (And the canning is put in the closet and it looks beautiful!)

Laurie said...

That's SO COOL! Please tell me... where did you learn to can? And will you please teach me??

Deidra said...

We kind of just taught ourselves... well, and a little help from Enrichment and my mom. It's not that hard. You just need the right equipment, good recipes, lots of time and patience!!!