Sunday, April 13, 2008

Why my wife is cool - Sunday School

So this may be the first in a series of "Why my wife is cool." This edition is about our Sunday School class today. We attended the Marriage & Family Relations class, only to find out there was not a teacher. I went to see what was going on. One of my responsibilities is to oversee the Sunday School. There had been a mix up in teachers-- with moves, releasings and a new Sunday School presidency in the past few weeks. Deidra turned to me and said "Do you want to go get a teacher's manual? We can teach." So I did.

It was fun to teach a lesson on the fly and take turns engaging the class in discussion while the other person quickly read through the next part of the lesson. Even the Bishop agreed that it was a job well done. I am glad to have a wife with the positive attitude and initiative to take charge in that kind of situation. We used to teach Gospel Doctrine class together and I certainly miss that. So this was a good reminder of why I love my wife and how cool she is.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Woah, that takes guts. I've been in that situation before, but I chose to hide in the corner!