Thursday, January 15, 2009

Word Verification Experiment

You know when you leave a comment on someone's blog and you have to type in a word verification that's not really a word?

Well, I think it's time that we conduct a little experiment. What you need to do is leave a comment on this post, and in the comment you need to use the word in the word verification blog in your comment. Just make up some sort of sentence that gives the word implied meaning.

For example, the last verification word I saw when leaving a comment was "noshinge." Therefore, if I left a comment on this post, it would probably look something like this:

Because I haven't been a good boy this year, Santa left me noshinge for Christmas.

Maybe not the best example, but let's see what those creative heads come up with. Come on - it will be fun! Leave a comment. You know you want to!


kris said...

I think your experiment sounds fun. But I'm not too creative. Here we go...
I went to the doctor and they prescribed tacessin for my rash.

Chelsey said...

The only flaw in this experiment occurs when the word is really close to an actual word. But here goes.

To get my car out of the garage, I had to put it in revers.

Karisa said...

I really wanted to participate in your challenge but after changing words 5 times, I decided I'd better just give up.

Nikkala said...

Tonight I ate a salad and sidish for dinner.

chartie said...

Impressive people - impressive! Come on, Karisa, you can do it. I think Deidra did the same thing, but I have faith in both of you.

By the way, that guys is really creepy. He gives me the engivies.

(you don't actually have to do word verification when you comment on your own blog, but I brought up another blog so I could continue to participate.)

Daisy Paige said...

Well Chris, if you're going to go the extra mile to do word verification on your own posts, I'm sure I can do the same.

Now, is it the mentome you play or the piano?

Reeders said...

Oh! I love this post it's so fun!

El Toro Mexican Restaurant serves the best Enittio in town!

Jean said...

When I visited Colombia, I was taken hostage and held coptib for nearly 5 months!

Brooke S said...

I actually laughed out loud at my desk. Good thing my office is semi-isolated and the department head stepped out for a meeting.

As a parent of a three year old, I occasionally swat the boodum.

Audrey Seymour said...

Splitsp is the abreviation of splitting and Spa. You see when a girl splits with her boyfriend in order to recover she needs to go to the spa. Therefore she is having a major splitsp

Audrey Seymour said...

I love this thing. ok so the art of teranoc is extremely hard and comptetitive. You have to build resistance and strength to participate in thsi ancient Roman sport. The principle is easy though . You have to run three times around the noc which is a latin quarter. get it TER (3)-RAN-NOC

Audrey Seymour said...

Malityms is when you're cooking with too much Thyms that you're losing your sanity. It has side effect and suddenly all the digestion of this aromatic herb makes you malicious: Malityms

The Nate and Sara Project said...

We are so impressed with your creativity (now that you can put your brain to good use, other than yucky school work)! We wanted to call you on our mobbel and let you know your our hero!

Chod said...

ilize to eat twix bars...

Chod said...

I will anocker head off.

Brooke S said...

I ofter go walking. (not from your blog, but it was too good not to post here.)

I wish I could speak two languages and be ellingl.

Deidra said...

Since I've started losing weight on my new diet, my endislim and I need new pants.