Monday, January 01, 2007

I like being lazy

This Holiday season has reminded me how much I enjoy sleeping in, watching movies and TV, lounging around in my pajamas all day, eating breakfast at 11am, etc. I haven't even blogged the whole break (until now) and I don't feel even a little bit bad about it. In fact, by way of warning, you probably won't get blog updates very often. As I start a new year of work, school, church, playing husband, and a MacBook with GarageBand (probably the biggest consumer of my free time), I dare say that my blogging is bound to suffer. But hopefully I can stay out of my own junk pile. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year . . . and in case I don't blog again for a while, Happy Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, and 4th of July (and Happy Birthday Deidra).

1 comment:

Nikkala said...

I highly doubt your wife would ever allow you to look like this. Nasty.