Friday, April 13, 2007

Seeking movie recommendations

Deidra and I have watched a few movies on DVD recently, and have not had much luck finding one that we really enjoy. Maybe we're just hard to please, but it seems like movies justa aren't as good as they used to be. Recently, we have watched Superman Returns, Pirates of the Caribbean 2, and King Kong (actually, I watched King Kong by myself) and we were pretty disappointed in all three of them. In fact, I'm trying to think of a movie that we have watched recently that we did enjoy. We saw The Pursuit of Happyness in the theater (watching a movie in the theater is a rarity for us) and I really liked it, though Deidra thought it was pretty depressing for most of the movie. Other than that, I am hard-pressed to remember a movie we enjoyed recently.

So if anybody has seen a good movie lately and wants to make recommendations, I'd be interested to hear them.


Jesse Harris said...

Stranger Than Fiction should definitely be on your list. I was surprised that Will Ferrell can be a real actor.

Sara said...

Blades of Glory. BLADES OF GLORY! I urinated all over myself.

chartie said...

Jesse - we actually did see Stranger than Fiction, and actually both enjoyed it. We highly recommend it as well - I had forgotten about it until you mentioned it though.

As for Blades of Glory, we'll definitely look into it. I'm more than willing to go see it - I just have to try and convince Deidra it's worth our time and money. :)

robin marie said...

the three movies you guys just watched i didn't care for at all... we actually turned king kong off 15 minutes into it. i tend to get lots of movies that are foreign or documentary types or older movies i hadn't seen (like the green mile) and we've been recording lots of movies off tv... like terminator! it was pretty awesome (well the third one is)... and we have fun tv shows on dvd (house, the office, british and american, veronica mars etc). i'm waiting for the big ones to come out this summer.... they always release crappy ones during the off seasons.

Deidra said...

Yeah, I really liked "Some LIke it Hot" the other day. Maybe you should try that one, Chris! ;-)

chartie said...

I would have liked to see it, but my wife watched it while I was at work and then we had to return the DVD to the library, so I missed out. I'm glad she enjoyed it though.

Laurie said...

Are you guys on Netflix? If so, let's be friends so we can swap recommendations!

Stay far, far away from Tenacious D: The Pick of Destiny. TERRIBLE movie!!

chartie said...

We don't do NetFlix. We're on the cheaper program ... aka the Public Library. Like NetFlix, you can put movies on hold that are checked out. Unlike NetFlix, sometimes the wait can be a number of months or longer. So that's why we're just now seeing movies like Spuerman Returns and King Kong. But, hey, it's free. I can't complain about that.

Laurie said...

Hmm... that IS a good program!!

Oh, I just thought of one that you MUST go to the theater to see. Meet the Robinsons. Especially if you've got a 3-D theater near you. So worth the extra cost! Such an AMAZING movie!

emalina49a said...

We liked Night with a King or something like that. We thought it was well done. IT is a take on the bible story of Ester. I think Booktable has it to rent