Saturday, January 30, 2010

Parisian Paradise - Part IV: The Orsay Museum

Since out Versailles day trip was cut short, we ventured back into Paris and visited two museums during the afternoon and evening. First was the Orsay Museum, which is housed in an old train station, complete with a large, awesome clock:

The Orsay Museum is filled with art from multiple eras, from a number of great artists. Having downloaded Rick Steve's audio guide for a few of the sites (including Versailles, the Orsay Museum and the Louvre Museum), we spent a lot of the time with earbuds in, learning about the artwork.

We saw Van Gogh's self-portrait (I promise it's behind me):

Along with the classic paintings, there were various other displays - including an Art Nouveau exibit, that included the following:

And, apparently, these Metro signs are famous, too. Deidra learned all about them in her History of Furniture and Architecture class.

Here were a few of Deidra's favorites that she took pictures of:

I'm pretty sure that the last painting there made her laugh really hard at the ridiculousness of the scene. It's like the whole "You'll get a dozen virgins in heaven if you die doing battle as a soldier in this holy war" idea.

1 comment:

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

That clock IS beautiful. Takes a train station to house it. That last picture IS interesting.