Sunday, October 16, 2011

Canning stash

For those who don't know, Deidra took Millie and flew out west to spend about a week and a half visiting family and friends, while I try to buckle down and plow through a big chunk of school work and research. So, since I've been such a slacker blogger lately, I decided to try to blog each day while she is gone. Unfortunately for you, the wireless mouse just died on our main computer (where most of the pictures and videos are located), and I can't find any replacement batteries. So until I rectify that situation (it didn't quite seem to justify an "ox in the mire" Sabbath trip to the store), no pictures or videos for you.

Instead, you get a listing of our canning food storage. You see, Millie has been sharing her room with our food storage and, before she gets mobile and curious enough to start grabbing jars of the shelves and/or to attempt climbing the selves (she is Lincoln's cousin, you know), I decided to move our food storage into the spare bedroom while Deidra and Millie are away.

Today shelves included all of our canning. Unshelving it all, moving the five-tier bookshelf, and reshelving it all again, made me realize we have more than I thought. So, because I have nothing else to blog (not because I think you're the least bit interested), here's a run down.

First, the fruit-based:

  • Apple sauce - 35 pints
  • Plums - 2 pints
  • Grapefruit - 4 pints
  • Pears - 12 pints
  • Peaches - 12 pints
  • Peach jam - 3.5 pints
  • Berry-strawberry jam - 3.5 pints
  • Blueberry syrup - 2.5 pints
  • Blueberry butter - 2 pints
And the vegetable-based:
  • Grean beans - 2 pints
  • Garlic green beans - 2 pints
  • Pickled hot peppers - 2 pints
  • Vegetable soup - 4 pints
  • Chili sauce - 4 pints
  • Stewed tomatoes - 10 pints
  • Salsa - 9.5 pints
  • Sweet salsa - 4 pints
  • Dill pickles - 6 pints
  • Sandwich dills - 7 pints
  • Dill relish - 5 pints
So there you have it. It may not be a full years worth of canning essentials, but I think we're off to a good start!


Deidra said...

That's way more of some stuff-- and way less of others-- than I realized. Boring post, but thanks for the accounting! Love you.

Zannah said...

Should I even ask why you're keeping such a crazy-large stash of canned goods? Not that it doesn't sound delicious...

(Also, hi!)

chartie said...

Good question, Zannah. There are a few reasons:

1) We can't use all of our garden produce before it goes bad, so we can some of it for later use.

2) It saves money to use stuff we've canned ourselves, instead of store-bought stuff.

3)Religiously, members of our church are counseled to be prepared for emergency situations so that we can help ourselves and help others in those events. More information is available HERE. (if my rusty HTML skills work properly)