Sunday, October 24, 2010

Be Prepared

Remember how Deidra got called as the Cub Master of our congregation's Cub Scouts? I may have teased her a little bit, since she comes from a family of all girls and has never had much exposure to scouting.

I shouldn't have made light of it.

Because I just got called as the Scout Master over the Boy Scouts.

In the words of the Scout Oath, "On my honor, I will do my duty . . ."


Jean said...

That's awesome! Rock on, scout team!!

smplcv said...
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Daisy Paige said...

Nice. I just posted on Deidra's blog that I was excited to find out what your calling is, then thought to look here. The scouting program must really need some new blood with lots of enthusiasm. Got get 'em!