Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Goals for 2013

I've already discussed that one of my goals for 2013 is to blog weekly. Three weeks in and all is well! So far, my posts have all included lists, and this one will be no different. So, here are my goals for 2013:

Physical: (1) Run at least 213 miles during 2013, (2) run at least one long distance race (marathon, half marathon, or Ragnar-style relay race). If all goes perfectly, I may even run all three types of distance races this year.

School: I am done with coursework and have taught my first class. This semester is the first one without teaching or taking any classes, so I get to focus on research. My goals are (1) to apply for a research grant for the next school year (so I wouldn't have to teach next year if I get the grant), (2) get an article published in a top journal, and (3) propose my dissertation (first step - determining a topic).

Marriage: (1) Weekly dates and one date a month with a babysitter. (2) Doing at least one household chore when Deidra leaves me home alone (or with Millie and/or Baby Brother after they are in bed) - i.e. folding laundry, mowing lawn, doing dishes, vacuuming, etc.

Family: (1) Spend one half day at home each week, (2) Daddy-daughter dates at least quarterly, and (3) Take a family vacation (Michigan? Cincinnati?)

Spiritual: (1) Daily scripture study and/or study of teachings from church leaders, (2) Daily morning and evening prayers on my knees, and (3) Quarterly temple attendance

Creativity/Leisure: (1) Read at least four books (outside of textbooks and journal articles) during the year, (2) Get at least one full song recorded during the year, and (3) play disc golf at least six times

At Deidra's suggestion, I've been using the Good Habits and Way of Life apps on my phone to keep track of my daily goals. I like Way of Life better (because it gives more statistical information and I'm nerdy like that), but you can only have three goals without paying to upgrade the app. But if any of you are working on daily goals, those are a couple of good free apps to try.

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