Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Language of Millie: Homonyms

Millie has been getting so good at using words lately; she is a chatterbox, just like both of her parents were when they were little. But as good as she is, sometimes it takes some mad translation skills to decipher what she is really talking about. Some of the words she uses sound almost exactly the same!

So just in case you are ever in conversation with Millie, you can use the context of the conversation and this handy guide to assist you:

  • Papa - Grandpa, pacifier, and popcorn
  • Mama - Grandma and blanket
  • Bay-bay - Baby, blackberry, and bagel
  • Boo-bur - Bluebird and blueberry
  • Muckah - Melting, matching, monkey, and mustard
  • Hebby - Happy and heavy
And finally, the big wild card:
  • Uh-nuh - I don't know, what's this, I want that, her doll's name, orange, and pretty much any exclamation
Hopefully this is helpful. I am sure I will have more helpful tips for communicating with Millie to come in future posts.

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