Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Short Days

It's kind of sad when I am looking forward to Tuesdays and Thursdays, which I refer to as my "short days." The name is something of a misnomer, however. You see, on M,W,F I work from 6am until at least 4pm without a lunch - a total of at least 10 hours per day. So on T & Th, when I work from 6am until 2pm without a lunch, I think that I am getting a break when, actually, I am still working an 8-hour day. And on top of that, after my "short day" at work, I will be running to the USU library and do the reading/assignments for my classes until Deidra gets off work at 5pm. And then I get to go home. So I actually get home later on my short days then I do on my long days. But somehow the thought of a "short day" makes it easier to bear, so I just let myself believe that's what it is.

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