Thursday, July 20, 2006


Deidra and I were playing a game this morning where you're given a category, then each person takes turns naming things in that category. Except you have to start your item with the last letter of the previous item. So, the category was "things in the ocean" this morning. After playing for a while, it started getting tough to come up with new things. It was my turn after Deidra said "trench," and I we had already used all of the Hs that I could think of right off hand. So as I was racking my brian, all of a sudden a lightbulb went off. "Humuhumu-nukunuku-a-pua‘a!" I exclaimed. Her response: "You totally made that up. I don't believe you. What is that?" Well, drawing upon the expertise what I learned at a family reunion many years ago (my mom's cousin lives in Hawaii), I knew that the humuhumu-nukunuku-a-pua‘a is the state fish of Hawaii. She still didn't believe me, so ever since I have been at work, I have been emailing Deidra links about the fish - from FoxNews, to Wikapedia, and even the Sherman's Lagoon Comic Strip. So the moral of the story, is this: Point - Chris! Deidra, now it's your turn, and you've got the letter "A" baby!

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